Monday, July 28, 2014

Our First Hike

This is a pretty big deal.

Not only was this our first hike together, but it was my first hike since surgery (hooray!), and it was my Mr. Jackson's first hike ever

We were inspired by either spontaneity or perhaps he just wanted to support my recovery by joining me in something he knows I love, and this weekend we went on an impromptu hike at Sleeping Giant State Park in Connecticut after searching for homes(!!) and checking out the Peabody Museum at Yale.

This was my first full week after getting the green light from my physical therapist to walk without a cane.  With that new liberty, as well as having my mom back at her home so nobody could tell me I was going too fast or needed a break (sorry, Mom, I was a little naughty) I entered Turbo Time!  I have been speed walking for miles around downtown Philly, getting my groove back.  I felt ready for a little trail because if I can navigate cobblestone streets and sidewalks that have been on the city's Fix-It List for, oh, decades, while somehow not getting run over by taxis, then I think I can watch out for sticks and stones on a trail.

Plus- big, strong Mr. Jackson was holding my hand or had an arm around me for support the whole time.  So we went on a little 3.2 mile loop to the top of the mountain on the Tower Trail.  As you might imagine, there is a large stone tower at the top which was built during the Depression by WPA workers- cool!

On our way down the mountain, there was a nice breeze and at one spot we were experiencing a surround-sound of singing birds and he said, "Now this I like."

And this from my novice hiker!  YES!!

To try to give him positive associations with hiking, we ate pizza at Sally's for dinner right afterwards.  Excellent!

So don't you worry, Grandma, he will use that brand new camp pillow you got him from our REI Registry-- I'll make sure of it!

(Full story at THIS LINK)

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