I think going somewhere at the same time of year, three years in a row, is enough to make it an official annual trip. So that means we recently returned from our Third-Annual Romantic Anniversary Trip to the Peaceful Island of Martha's Vineyard (working title)!
As before, it was great. We seem to divide each day into thirds: morning, afternoon, evening. One of those time slots gets extravagant eating (lobster on lobster with a side of lobster), one gets chilling out in rocking chairs on the porch/on the beach, and one gets doing something active and outdoorsy (biking around the island, kayaking...). And in between, every day is a treat --ice cream for me (duh) and probably fried shrimp for Hubs.
The day of our actual anniversary, we did a 20 mile bike ride to the amazing South Beach where the waves are big and fun! I took a float and had a nice tumble in the surf.
Then we had a special dinner at The Dunes, the restaurant at the Winnetu resort- très posh.
Then to get to dinner, we made our way to the Edgartown Yacht Club where the resort sends a water taxi to pick people up. Honestly, this ride in the harbor and around the south-east of the island was worth the cost of our whole dinner- if was beautiful and we had a great, relaxing time.
When we docked, they then sent a cool, refurbished bus from the 1930s to get us to the restaurant. The weather was perfect, the view was lovely, our waiter was cool (mom from Ireland + dad from Serbia = indistinguishable accent), the food was delicious, and they even gave us free (SCRUMPTIOUS!) Key Lime Pie to add to our celebration. Loved, loved, loved!
Here are some more photos:
Blessed to live a charmed life!